
Introduction to Openstreetmap

Sunday 10h30
Speakers : Gwénaëlle Berthelo, volunteer at Gulliver, Free Software user, OpenStreetMap contributer ; and Jean-Claude Noël/Nono, Free Software user, OpenStreetMap contributer.

Come and discover OpenStreetMap ! This collaborative project aims at creating Free maps of the whole world, using the GPS system or other free data sources.
After an introductory mini-conference, a workshop will offer the opportunity to cartography your hometown !

Participants are invited to bring their own laptop (preferably running a GNU/Linux distribution to make best use of all available free tools, but Windows users are welcome too !)

Free Visual Creation

Saturday 10h
Speaker : Timothée Giet. Freelance graphics designer who uses only Free Software, contributes to several free projects, in particular Krita, KDE e.V. member

Starting from a topic from the organizer or participants, you'll create a collaborative graphic project taking advantage of the numerous available free tools as well as open formats. The goal of this workshop will be to present the different applications suited for each different task in this domain, while allowing participants to exchange knowledge and experience on the subject.
Note : participants must bring their own hardware: laptop (preferably with a GNU/Linux distribution to make best use of all available free tools), graphic tablet, misc devices...

Wikidata, free and collaborative database

Saturday 14h Speakers : Nicolas Vigneron and Seb35

Founded at the end of 2012, the Wikidata semantic database is the central repository for Wikimedia projects, placed under the free Creative Commons CC0 license. Constantly improved by wikimedians, it already contains nearly 14 millions entities. To ease reusing data, several tools are available : dumps, API, SPARQL access, etc. After a general introduction, wikimedians will show the extent of Wikidata before suggesting ways for you to appropriate its contents. Comme put your hands in the database !
Note : laptop and technical knowledge, abeilt not mandatory, are welcomed.

Cookieviz – Mobilitics – Wifi Sniffer: Demonstrations

Sunday morning
Speakers: Stéphane Petitcolas. With a ingeneer degree, he first worked in a service company as a developer then as a project manager. Now he's been working for four year at the CNIL as expert engeneer, more precisely in charge of the research and innovation lab.

The CNIL will organize three demonstrations that will allow you to better understand how tools from your daily life works, namely your smartphone and your computer when you're browsing the Internet, when you use applications or when you're moving.
CookieViz is a free and open source tool developed by the CNIL to visualize in real time how one is "tracked" on the Internet - 10H00
Mobilitics is a tool to explain how smarts and applications work, and the importance of stakeholders who manufacture mobile operating systems - 11H00
Wifi Sniffer: the point is to detect, using a computer, all the WiFi access points scanned by smartphones in a room. With this demo you'll to discover how a smartphone automatically connects to a WiFi access point – 12H00

Discovering Tor and Tails

Sunday 14h15
Speaker : Syl

Tor is a network meant for anonymous Internet browsing. Tails is a GNU/Linux distribution GNU/Linux using Tor as well as other pieces of free software meant to preserve anonymity and privacy.
This workshop will be the opportunity to understand why using Tor, discovering the way it works and see the different ways to use it, in particular through Tails.
Note : participants may bring their computer as well as a USB key with at least 4Go capacity to try out Tails. Local computers will also be available.

Easy « Visual Novel » videogame with Ren'Py

Sunday 14h15
Speaker : Beuc considers computers firstly at a creative medium. In-between fixing up a couple old games, he tries and de-complexes people around so they express themselves digitally.

Visual Novels are a kind of adventure games mixing texts, graphics and choices. The tool we'll use is Ren'Py, which is Free Software and feature-complete, available on all platforms, including mobile: starting from a simple, beginners-friendly script, we can add scenes, characters and musics.
After introducing visual novels and the toolkit, you'll have the opportunity to create a first small game !
Note : participants may bring scenario ideas (aim at 15-20mn of gameplay), their graphic tools (tablets, etc.) for illustrations, and Ren'Py pre-downloaded.
Registration on-site. Limited gauge.