About us

Breizh-entropy was born following a conference, organized in 2010 about free software, digital art, do it yourself, etc. All in a spirit of joyful mix of disciplines (hence the name entropy). You'll have some info on the event page.
Following this experience, we decided to open a hackerspace, shared place, to fiddle, understand, relax, learn et teach, learn to teach, recapture, modify, hijack, recycle, salvage, reuse… in a word, hack, in the original meaning.
We wished to keep the original spirit of joyful bazaar as a way to design and foster exchange. The project currently brings together people from network (who live in the plugs you use), system (and not in the system), musicians or sound hooligans, visual artists, electronicians (who burn the plugs who would like to use), scribblers looking for themselves… and we probably forgot the bests (or the worsts) !
All of this is installed within an artistic collective in Rennes : the Élaboratoire, and from time to time organizes events, workshops, but mainly wants to be a point of meetings, exchanges and creation about topics of liberty, privacy, free software, digital art, sociological challenges of new technologies, etc.
Le Jardin Moderne

Le Jardin Moderne (the Modern Garden) is unique. Ever since its inception in 1998, it was thought as a tool for musicians and project leads, rather than a place for gigs. It's open everyday (except on Monday) with opening hours as wide as possible, because artists et stakeholders can ill afford office hours...
We also think that artistic and cultural projects can't grow in isolation. Since country met blues to give birth to rock n' roll, uncountable aesthetics regrouped under the name of "today's musics" are the result of continuous crossbreeding. Today more than ever, we wish to keep this permanent mixing, as it's the safekeeper of cultural diversity and of richness of means of expression. That's why we want the Jardin Moderne to keep being a place of meeting for all : artistes (musicians and others), project leads, attendees, and more generally, every kind of people.
The Jardin Moderne is a friendly and plural place where one can eat at all hours, rehearse, attend a training, get informed, host one's project, record one's music, organize a gig or come see it.
The Jardin Moderne is managed by the association of the same name.
Association 3 Hit combo was started in 2005 at Rennes. We wish to provide playful material, with our values : Innovation – Independance – Originality – Sharing – Experiment. We consider the game mainly as a way to foster new digital, cultural and popular creation techniques. We foster creation and spreading of game devices through original video-gaming experiences, with an emphasis on usage hijacks.